Embark on a riveting journey in Otherworldly Evil Monarch, where Jun Xie, an invincible ace special agent, is unexpectedly transported to the mystical Xuan Xuan Continent. In a twist of fate, he inhabits the body of Jun Mo Ye, a wasteful and idle young master from a family mired in a quagmire of challenges. While Jun Mo Ye's physical form remains, Jun Xie's indomitable spirit persists within him. As a guest unrivaled in the Nine Netherworlds and an unparalleled traveler throughout the ages, Jun Xie brings his unique skills and experiences to the mortal realm. The legend unfolds as he sweeps away evil, seeks revenge, and writes a tale that will echo through the ages, all while navigating the complexities of his new life as Jun Mo Ye. Otherworldly Evil Monarch promises an exhilarating blend of action, revenge, and legendary exploits. Follow Jun Xie as he takes on the challenges of the Xuan Xuan Continent, leaving an indelible mark on the mortal realm and proving that even in a different world, his indomitable spirit will shine through, setting the stage for a tale that transcends time and space. Watch online full : 异人君莫邪 – 异世邪君 – Otherworldly Evil Monarch, Yiren Jun Moxie, The Legendary Jun Moxie – chinese anime,